VIVO-S 2017 Competition Application


Application Procedure

  1. All applications must be completed and submitted through the online system at Contact information is also available at the website. 
  2. Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST/GMT-5 on February 1, 2017. No late applications will be accepted.
  3. All applicants must submit nonrefundable payments of application fees, payable through the online application system at The application fee for each division is as follows: 

    Solo performer: $200 per each applicant
    Duo group: $360 per group
    Trio group: $480 per group
    Quartet or more: $140 per member
  4. A confirmation notice will be emailed to each applicant (or the representative of the ensemble group) upon receipt of the completed online application. Be advised that applications are not allowed to submit until all information is complete.
  5. All submitted applications will be reviewed by the executive committee and treated as confidential. VIVO International Music Competition reserves the right to request additional information from or about an applicant or an ensemble group.
  6. VIVO International Music Competition is NOT responsible for any application that was not received.
  7. Important dates

December 1, 2016       Opening of online applications
February 1, 2017         Applications and preliminary video recording due
February 12, 2017       Semi Final Round
February 19, 2017       Final Round (Live only)